Hello everyone! Welcome to my Fashion blog. My name is Kikelomo/Kike, but I go by the nickname Kiki. The meaning of my name is “A child should be pampered”. It is a nigerian name from West Africa where I originate from. I lived in Lagos Nigeria for 19 years before moving to the States. I have always loved fashion right from being a kid. I do play dress up randomly in my room while growing up in Lagos Nigeria. My Mother is one of my fashion icons, looking back in the days to how she styled herself. She was a worst picture addict than I am and still obssessed even in her current 5os.
I currently have a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Nursing but my dreams and passion still focuses on fashion. I currently work as a Nurse and love the impact I leave behind after each patient care. I hopefully aspire to have my own fashion line some day and attend a fashion & design school to fulfill my main passion. I am a mother of two wonderful children. I am married to a wonderful man I call my “Mr Fix It”. He is so handy, talented and caring.
On my fashion blog KIKSCLOSET you will come across my daily fashion inspiration, favorites, lifestyle and travel series. I plan to travel all over the world before old age meets up lol.
I am so grateful for the support of my husband who was once my photographer when I started my fashion blog in 2013. You all can reflect back to my old blog for old post @www.kikscloset.blogpsot.com. Also, special thanks to you my readers, your comments and love inspire me to grow successfully while fulfilling my passion for fashion.
Few things to know about me
I am a shopaholic as you all can tell….Will rather purchase a bunch of beautiful clothes than acquiring shoes and bags!
I am not a big fan of accessories. Sometimes you hardly find me with a ear-ring.
My favorite Nigerian dish and specialty cooking is Mixed Okro Soup(Ila-asepo)
I am a very lively and friendly person, but I can also be extremely shy depending the place or people
I am very body cautious! Weight gain scares me……..
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